Wheew! I don’t know about you, but 2019 has been one big year for all of us at Studio Kumiho. I figured it’d be great to start off 2020 by talking about our accomplishments from last year and finish with our goals for this year. Without further ado, here we go!
Top Accomplishments from this past year
1. We released our first game A Sound Plan in April. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to play it, A Sound Plan is an action-packed, multiplayer party game featuring gladiatorial matches with zombies thrown in. Will you get out of the ring alive? Only if you’re willing to throw your friends to the zombies!

2. We attended Pax West and IndieMEGABOOTH for the first time! This was a dream come true for us. We had the chance to meet some of the top names in the indie game dev world and we also got to introduce ASP to a ton of new people.

3. We expanded our team. Our success with ASP found us able to fully round out our team to our current group. Each and every one of our team members is fantastic and we wouldn’t be where we are without them!

4. Chang’e changes! Now that A Sound Plan is out in the world, we’ve been able to focus our attention on our newest passion project. Perhaps ‘newest’ isn’t the correct term as SK founder, Jimmy Spencer has been working on this for the last decade or so. We’ve introduced a number of changes and we’re pretty happy where this is going.
Here are some of the updates that we’ve made so far:
Character art

Overhauled the environment

New dialogue boxes

Facial expressions

Fight dynamics added

Music & Sound
Windup Audio has been great to us and they're hard at work updating all of our audio, we're excited to share it with you soon!
5. A Sound Plan has been accepted onto a mystery console! We can’t talk too much about this yet due to agreements, so let’s just say we’ll be making an announcement very soon about which console you can find us on! This is a big step for us and we’ve been pinching ourselves ever since the initial acceptance came in.
Looking to 2020
1. One of our big goals is to support A Sound Plan as it gets released on console. This is the ideal game for people looking for some fast-paced fun with their friends and it only makes sense to release it on console. That said, we’re looking for anybody interested in streaming and reviewing it when it gets released, so please hit us up if you like what you hear!
2. Naming Chang’e. We’ve got a few names floating around, and we can’t wait to make a formal announcement once we’ve decided where Chang’e will be going.
3. Prepping Chang’e for the big world. Although we’ve made a huge amount of progress in the past few months, there’s still a ton more to make. We’re eagerly looking forward to it and we hope to have a playable demo ready in 2020.
That wraps it up for now, what are you most looking forward to in the new year?