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What's New? We've got updates, drama, and Sneak Peeks!

Jackie Spencer

Wednesday is here and this week is already off to a great start! 

Highlights from last week

Jimmy did a fantastic job creating this short town overview.

Personally, I’m in love with the waves, I think I may have squealed a bit when Irene showed these off the first time around.

Did you see the race on Thursday? Jimmy and Steven squared off over Super Mario 3. Due to some warp whistling, Jimmy managed to get an early lead that led to a swift victory. I hope to see a rematch sometime soon, maybe I’ll even hop in!

[Jimmy: Steven wants a rematch, claims the whistles are why I won, it wasn't. I'm gonna race him again.]

Also on Thursday, 'A Sound Plan' Designer Dean had a duel on Twitch with Twonny. It was action-packed and fun to watch!

Just yesterday, Jimmy built some new levels in Super Mario Maker 2, which looks pretty tight. 

[Jimmy: Personally I think they're just okay, but whatever. Never been a fan of my level design skills.]

If you want to stop by, we’re live every 6pm PDT / 9pm EST on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We’ll be sticking to this schedule for a bit, if for no other reason than to keep count of the quarantine weeks. 

What are we up to this week?

Windup Audio is working on some sound bites and creating our new dialogue sounds. It’s been a little surreal to hear my own voice on the updates, but I’m excited to see how it all evolves over time!

I've been obsessed with their battle music this week. Here's a little snippet with the new slo-mo effect added in which I'm really digging.

Irene has been hard at work on the environment in Cricket lately, I can’t wait to share some of the new art, seriously, so good!

We’ve also got some big news that we’ll be announcing soon, so hold onto your hats!

I’ve been on a bit of pen & ink kick lately. I’ve reorganized my ink, here’s a recent sample of the current collection. 

Am I Ben Wyatt from Parks & Rec? Would a person in Quarantine focus this much on art supplies? 

Don’t answer that.

A little late to the party, but has anybody seen ‘Kingdom’ on Netflix? This show is everything, plot, action, gore, zombies, it’s just great. 

Who’s got the lowdown on active games? Jimmy swears by Ring Fit Adventure, which apparently is sold out forever for me. I’ve been digging Just Dance 2020 personally. How are you working out the cabin fever?

Finally, next up in my series that I’ve decided to call “Rep your colors”, we’ve got the Blue Bears available for your wardrobe! Scan and show off that Zombie-baiting pride!

What have you all been up to? I’d love to hear what everybody else is reading, listening, and playing!


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